
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Myths About Vitiligo Treatment

Three myths about the treatment of vitiligo prevail in the medical profession.

The first myth is that treatment of vitiligo is "impossible." This is clearly not true and the majority of patients can achieve good results.

The second myth is that oral psoralens, which form the basis for some vitiligo treatments are "toxic to the liver." Oral psoralens are not toxic

to the liver.

The third myth is that psoralen + UVA (PUVA) treatments for vitiligo "cause cancer of the skin." When used to treat vitiligo, PUVA therapy requires only a limited number of treatments-approximately 150 in number that has not been shown to cause skin cancer. By comparison, PUVA treatments for psoriasis can be as many as double the number for vitiligo. It has been shown that a small percentage of patients who receive more than 250 PUVA treatments can develop treatable squamous cell cancers of the skin.

1 comment:

  1. Aloe Vera also contains necessary raw materials, including calcium, copper, chromium, zinc and others that may support repigmentation of the skin, creation it a very important for Vitiligo Natural Treatment and Recovery.
